Why You Don’t Want to be Perfect When Planning Your Goals for the New Year

We are two weeks into the new year and you are either feeling excited by your goals or completely overwhelmed. A recent study in the United Kingdom showed that 92% of new year’s goals had already failed by January 15th of each year. If you are one of the 92% who has given up on your goals, there is no need to give up! You still have plenty of time to attain your dreams in 2019. You do not have to be perfect when planning your goals but there is a secret; you just have to keep moving forward.

personal organizer and pink flowers on desk
Photo by Kaboompics .com on Pexels.com

So why is it that most people can not stick to their new year’s resolutions? Often times change seems extremely daunting and overwhelming. By breaking goals down into tiny changes and progressing forward you are more likely to achieve those goals. One of my quotes from my co-authored book Tiny Life Changes is “Moving forward is moving forward. Each step in the right direction will get you closer to your goal.” That is the true secret of living the life you desire ; you just have to be persistent in working towards your dreams.

When goal planning, you often may be at a stand still waiting for the perfect time or the perfect opportunity to start reaching your goal. This is why you do not want to be perfect. Your first step does not have to be the perfect step but it just needs to be your next best step. Think of one tiny change you can make today that will get you closer to your goal.

bowl of vegetable salad and fruits
Photo by Trang Doan on Pexels.com

Getting healthier in the new year is often a top resolution. If completely changing your diet is overwhelming: can you go  grocery shopping and buy more fruits and vegetables? Start incorporating healthier choices into your daily routine. If your goal is to exercise more, can you start by taking a walk around the block?

If your goal is to save more money, can you start planning a schedule on how to cut back on dining out and  find new recipes to try at home? If you would like to launch a new business, can you start by asking for advice from someone in a similar business?

person holding white stylus
Photo by Plush Design Studio on Pexels.com

No matter what the goal, by breaking it down into smaller goals it is easier to attain. Writing your goal down also helps to increase the probability of achieving that goal. The same study from the UK that stated most people have given up on their goals by January 15th also states that only 3% of most adults will write down their goal. Writing down your goals increases the chances of earning that goal by 42% according to Dr. Gail Matthews of the Dominican University of California. Take the time to write down what you desire to achieve in 2019 and then take your next best step!

The secret of getting ahead is getting started…Sally Berger. Keep this in mind when reaching for your dreams; just get started!

If you would like to learn more about achieving your goals and dreams one step and one day at a time visit http://www.tinylifechanges.com .




4 thoughts on “Why You Don’t Want to be Perfect When Planning Your Goals for the New Year

  1. Great post Lisa!

    Had issues logging into my wordpress, so hopefully this comment sticks!

    I never set NY’s resolutions…the fail rate is too high! lol

    But I am the kind of person who jumps in and tries things. It’s all about one step at a time, right?


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